GRI and TNFD release interoperability mapping resource to streamline biodiversity reporting

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) jointly published an interoperability mapping resource. The resource aims to give a detailed overview of the alignment between the TNFD Disclosure Recommendations and metrics and the GRI Standards.

The new mapping released by both entities enables all adhering organizations to integrate GRI standards and TNFD recommendations together. This mapping can help streamline biodiversity reporting, increase consistency in disclosures, and improve risk management practices for all the companies that comply with or plan to comply with GRI or TNFD standards. 

Let's explore the GRI and TNFD mapping in detail.

About the new GRI and TNFD interoperability mapping resource

Over the past few months, the GRI and TNFD have worked closely to support the development of each other's standards, recommendations, and guidelines. To further enhance this partnership, the GRI and TNFD have developed a guidance document and correspondence table. These resources map the alignment between GRI standards and TNFD recommendations to help businesses globally align with both standards more easily by identifying and following their similarities.

Key areas of alignment between GRI and TNFD

  • Consistent nature-related definitions and concepts, such as the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) list of the five direct drivers of biodiversity and nature loss.
  • Flexible TNFD Recommendations and guidance that reference and incorporate GRI's materiality approach that focuses on impact. However, TNFD's  LEAP approach does not only focus on impact but on financial materiality as well.
  • All the disclosures in GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 are reflected in the TNFD Recommendations, and all of the TNFD Recommendations are reflected in the GRI Standards, except for the ones exclusively covering nature-related risk and opportunity assessment.
  • The related metrics in GRI Standards and TNFD core global disclosure metrics highlight strong consistency between each document.
  • The TNFD LEAP approach is referenced in GRI 101 for guidance in identifying and assessing nature-related issues. The approach pinpoints where impacts on biodiversity are most likely present and guides measuring changes.
  • GRI 101 uses TNFD's definitions and criteria when considering an organization's location in or around ecologically sensitive areas.

While you're here…

News like the release of interoperability mapping between GRI and TNFD standards may help institutional investors and corporates streamline sustainability evaluation and reporting processes. 

However, aligning issues, controversies, and impacts to these standards can require significant time and expertise. These are areas where Auquan can help. 

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